Image of Victoria Harbour, faded


All Hongkongers are called upon to build the Hong Kong Parliament together


投票Demo app下載連結:

Android Google Play 應用程式市場

Apple App Store 應用程式市場

The HKPEOC is currently devoted to developing online voting software and identifying members for the Election Committee. The work is in progress, and it is estimated that the beta version of the software will be publicly tested shortly. Please stay tuned!

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to friends both domestically and internationally who are concerned about the progress of the HKPEOC. We hope that everyone will actively participate in the matter later on, embodying the spirit of ‘Hong Kong people saving Hong Kong’ through practical actions.

Come on, HongKonger!



The Hong Kong Parliament, an upcoming assembly of elected representatives, is being established to serve and represent Hongkongers both locally and globally. The Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) is driving the initiative and diligently working towards realizing the election in 2024.

Formation of HKPEOC

In 2022, a brave group of Hongkongers rose amid the terror of the Chinese Communist Party and declared their intention to conduct an international election for the formation of the Hong Kong Parliament (HKP). This act was not about heroics or forming a “big umbrella,” but to ensure that Hongkongers worldwide could participate in a reliable election. The goal was to select members for the future Hong Kong Parliament who would effectively represent the interests of Hongkongers on the global stage.
